See Pics Of Phat Girlz

There's not much to say about a movie called Phat Girlz, except to confirm that it does indeed star Fat Girls. If Monique and her friends technically qualify as girls. If they do, they probably also qualify as Volkswagen Vanagons. These are unhealthily large women.

Some might say that a movie like this promotes positive stereotypes, that it teaches women to be happy with their bodies whatever their bone structure. But I say it teaches people to be happy with diabetes, clogged arteries, and an early death due to high cholesterol and heart attack. You're not supposed to be proud or happy to be ridiculously obese… it's unhealthy. You might as well be happy about cancer.

Whatever. Here comes the hate mail. We've just gotten the first poster for Phat Girlz, and it overcompensates for its star's excessive girth by standing her next excessively large letters, as if perhaps they'll have a slimming effect.

To see a high-res version of the poster and other new stills from the film, click here to visit our Phat Girls image gallery.