Sex Has Jennifer Hudson

The long awaited movie version of Sex in the City is moving forward. They’ve started casting and HR says the first Sex virgin on board is Dreamgirls sensation Jennifer Hudson.

For the film version, all four of the television show’s leads are back. So it’s unclear how big a role Hudson will have, but she’s set to play the assistant to Sarah Jessica Parker’s Carrie Bradshaw character so at the least we’ll get a few shots of her correcting spelling errors or something.

It’s actually something of a surprise that Hudson would choose to play, at best, the fifth stringer in a movie based on an established franchise she has nothing to do with. I mean, she’s just coming off an Oscar win. She’s got to be a hot commodity. I’m sure the Sex and the City movie will be huge, but you’d think at the very least she’d be looking for a movie with more opportunities to get on screen. On the other hand, she’s pretty busy. She’s currently working on a new album and she’s just finished up a movie called Winged Creatures. Maybe a smaller role which involves less work is exactly what she needs.

Josh Tyler