Is The Superman Sequel Renamed Superman Unleashed?

We've been seeing endless rumors about a potential Superman Returns sequel, but here's one that finally might be true. Slashfilm got their hands on a screenshot from the Legendary Pictures site, saying that Superman Unleashed will be the title of the next Superman film-- and obviously, the whole thing is still in development.

Of course, the whole thing could be a Photoshop job-- but it's an awfully boring Photoshop job if it is one. Not that the scoop is boring-- it's good to hear that the Superman sequel is still on the studio's radar, and the new title might indicate there's a new script or some new ideas that might speed production along. We'll have to wait and see if there's any official response to this to know for sure, but right now it seems fair to say that the Superman sequel is alive and well.

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend