TIFF Day 8: Silk, Lars, Blood Brothers, Death Defying

You would think that after seeing eighteen movies in the last five days I would slow it down a bit, but you’d be wrong. On day 8 of the adventure that is the Toronto International Film Festival I had four films on my schedule, which meant another fourteen hour, five coffee day. First up was Silk, which almost put me to sleep and let me assure you; it wasn’t just because of the early screening. After the dud of an opener, I was hoping my Japanese sleeper pick Blood Brothers would pay off and I got lucky -- it was good enough to get t the day back on track. Following this was Ryan Gosling’s newest film Lars and the Real Girl, which was absolutely fantastic. I felt sorry for Death Defying Acts because it had very little chance of living up to Lars, but it was a decent movie. Overall it was a fun day; certainly a roller coaster of a time at the theatre, but I can think of worse ways to kill fourteen hours.


Silk is quite simply the slowest movie I have seen at this year’s festival; yes, even slower than Jesse James. The story is half decent and it definitely had potential, but somewhere along the line you realize that a movie about a man traveling back and forth from Europe to Japan to find silkworms is just plain boring. It takes way too long for the more interesting subplots to kick in, and by the time they do it is already hopeless. The fact that I looked down at my phone to see if it had been two and a half hours yet, and only an hour and a half had passed pretty much sums up the whole experience. Even Keira Knightley in the nude could not save the film for me, but that’s probably because she is so skinny it is hard to tell if she even has any breasts.

2/5 Stars

Blood Brothers

Blood Brothers is Alexi Tan’s first feature film as a director and he has quite the future if this is any indication of his talents. I was immediately drawn to the fluid style and excellent direction of the film, and it only got better as it went along. The story is simple but effective and the script, acting and action sequences are all superb. All I knew about this film going in is that it was set in Shanghai in the 1930s and somehow involved crime, betrayal, greed and love. It sounded awesome and I’m glad I gave it the chance because it more than delivered. It manages to combine intensely bloody battles, with excruciatingly emotional scenes and genuine moments of love that ultimately create a unique cinematic experience.

4/5 Stars

Lars and the Real Girl

Into the Wild or Lars and the Real Girl? This is the question I have been asking myself since the film ended, and I still cannot figure out which one is my favorite of the twenty-two I have seen at TIFF thus far. It is too early to say, so I’ll shift to something I do know: Ryan Gosling is going back to the Oscars for his mesmerizing portrayal of Lars. His performance is extremely complex and multi-layered, but Gosling pulls it off with the genuine ease that is quickly turning him into one of this generations best actors. He is supported by a wonderful cast and a truly touching story that will charm its way to the hearts of all that watch it. It is extremely funny but at the same time never sacrifices the story’s reality for a comedic moment, and as a result is a nearly flawless film that EVERYBODY needs to see.

5/5 Stars

Death Defying Acts

I almost skipped Death Defying Acts to go home early and catch some rest, and although the film was rather forgettable I am actually glad I decided to go. The movie is not bad, it is merely just somewhere in the middle. The story is semi-interesting (Houdini), the acting is pretty good (but not exceptional) and in general it does not do anything to set itself above the rest. The surprise of the evening came when Guy Pearce and director Gillian Armstrong arrived onstage for a Q and A session that was the best I have experienced yet. They were both very well spoken and intelligent in answering questions (far better than most of the directors and actors I have heard speak), and Pearce is absolutely hilarious. I have no idea who I would have said before tonight, but if you asked me now which actor would I most like to have a few beers with, it would be Guy Pearce.

2.5/5 Stars