Terry Gilliam Does Dick Too

While searching around for more info on the Pixar story I ran earlier, I stumbled onto this strange little rumor from a blog… which of course means there’s a good chance it’s entirely made up. But a place called Film Ick is reporting that Terry Gilliam has announced his next directorial project, a movie called The Owl in Daylight.

Right about now some of you are probably wondering if we’ll get to see his last film before he starts working on another one. Who knows? Tideland has been done for what seems like years, and after a miserable time trying to find someone to distribute it is supposed to be eventually meandering towards a theater near you.

While that happens (or doesn’t), Terry may be moving on to something else. The script for his something else is supposedly being written by Tony Grisoni and Terry himself with backing from the Philip K. Dick Estate funded Electric Shepherd Productions. Why is the Philip K. Dick Estate involved? Apparently this is to be a third Philip K. Dick biopic going into production. Only, unlike the other two which star Bill Pullman and Paul Giamatti as Dick, this one will blend a look at the man’s life with pieces of his last, unfinished work. Sounds like perfect territory for Terry G.

“The Owl in Daylight” was the title of that last, unfinished work of Dick. He was in the midst of writing it when he died in 1982. The novel was to be the story of a B-movie score composer named Ed Firmley, and simultaneously the story of a race of humanoid aliens which hasn’t developed the use of sound as a means of communication. A spaceship full of the aliens arrives on Earth and nabs Firmley.

Unfortunately, the site claiming to have the scoop on all of this offers no explanation on how they might have attained their information, they don’t seem to know how to spell Gilliam’s name, and they’re running on a free account with Blogspot. I wouldn’t trust any of it. For now though, throw all of this under the “wild as hell rumor” category and wait until we can find some sort of official confirmation. Wouldn’t be the first time something this shaky has ended up coming true.

Unconfirmable rumors seem to be running amok on the internet this weekend. What else is new?

Josh Tyler