Vengeance From Criminals, Body By Milk

I understand Hollywood’s need to plaster the name and images of summer blockbuster movies over every product available. As I sit here writing I’m snacking on a box of Cheese-Its with Indiana Jones on the box and special Dark Knight Reece’s Pieces. Personally, I’m all for marketing promotions that make sense (last year’s Simpsons 7-11 campaign was inspired) but sometimes things get ridiculous (washing down my snack with a bottle of Indy labeled Diet Dr. Pepper is a bit overkill).

I’m not sure where the new promotion for milk, featuring the Dark Knight himself with a milk mustache, falls on that scale of making sense vs. ridiculous. I’ve always been entertained by the “body by milk” ad campaign, but something tells me Batman didn’t get that physique just by drinking milk. Then again, it’s a better campaign than “when nothing but revenge will quench your thirst, give your body the nutrition it needs by drinking milk.”

At least we’re getting some goodies through the campaign. The official body by milk Batman webpage has buddy icons, wallpaper, the Dark Knight trailer, and a Batman milk widget. It’s some pretty cool stuff if you can cope with the image of the Dark Knight with a milk mustache that dominates the page.