Will Thor: Ragnarok Bring Us Back To New York City? Here’s What We Know

Not too long ago, Kevin Feige had made remarks that Thor: Ragnarok was going to take viewers throughout the Nine Realms. As a result of such vast journey, Feige also promised that only "a couple scenes" would find the film in an Earth-bound setting, so as not to turn off anyone who really wanted to see the Odinson mixing it up with humanity. And now we have another clue as to where those earthly scenes will be taking place, as it sounds like the Australian shooting set for the third Thor movie is being dressed to look like New York City.

Word on the possible setting comes from the Sydney Morning Herald, as they've noticed set decorations and vehicles that flat out confirm that New York City will be a setting for Taika Waititi's entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Everything from traffic lights to New York City cabs have shown up on the set, with the Queensland Department of Transportation and Main Roads warning residents of the disruption to come from Thor: Ragnarok's filming. With these new details suggesting that Thor will be spending some time in NYC, we have a very good feeling where these few Earth scenes will fit into the plot.

As you'll remember, Thor: Ragnarok is said to included the plot point that Odin has been banished to Earth, taking the form of a homeless man that preaches the end is nigh. Should this be true, Chris Hemsworth's avenging hero will more than likely find himself starting his third solo outing in the city that never sleeps, with Odin's warning serving as his inspiration to get to work. With a New York opening kicking off the meat of Thor: Ragnarok's plot, it's probably a good place for he who wields the hammer to meet up with that green filled rage monster walking around under the alias of Dr. Bruce Banner.

Bruce Banner Mark Ruffalo

While seeing Bruce Banner return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe fold is going to take place in Thor: Ragnarok, there's a good chance that the brilliant physicist / destructive force for good we sometimes call The Hulk has returned to the city that he was last seen defending in The Incredible Hulk. Be it official Avengers work at headquarters, or even just a quick moment of contemplation for the actions of the past, New York serves as a great first act hub of activity that'll whip things into an interstellar frenzy of adventure. Well, that, and being in the city does open Thor: Ragnarok up to a possible cameo from Tony Stark, and/or Peter Parker, in an effort to continue weaving that MCU thread throughout the entire universe.

Thor: Ragnarok will see our heroes fighting the forces of Armageddon on November 3, 2017.

Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.