You Can Thank James Franco For Margot Robbie's Spring Breakers Costume

If it's weird and it's memorable, chances are it'll become a Halloween costume. Just ask James Franco, whose character of Alien, the drug dealing mentor to the titular Spring Breakers, and allegedly a memorable costume for those that ran around on Halloween 2013. But one specific person went all the way when it came to their portrayal of this infamous character: Margot Robbie. As it turns out, Franco was approached by the Suicide Squad actor to help her get her costume just right, and he goes into detail about the information she requested below:

James Franco Spring Break Alien Smoking

I would bet that [Alien] was one of the biggest, most popular Halloween costumes that year. This is before Wolf of Wall Street came out, but Margot Robbie, I didn't know her, but she was working with somebody that knew my costumer or something, and got in touch with me and was like, 'Can you print me a photo of the tattoos in detail, so that I can get this costume perfectly?' Because she was fucking Alien that year.

Celebrities and their Halloween costumes have always been a subject of interest, and there's been quite a bit of impressive transformations that actors have made in the name of that fun seasonal celebration. But Margot Robbie's dedication to getting her Alien cosplay down to the tattoos is pretty damned impressive. She could have just went with an accurate costume, and any other accessories she could have found, and left it at that. But to get detailed print outs of the tattoos that James Franco wore as part of his Spring Breakers character? That's going the proper full nine yards, and Franco couldn't help but attest to that fact as he spoke with GQ, during an oral history of the film's studio, A24. If you want to see Margot Robbie in costume, as well as a comparison to Franco's screen worn counterpart, you can take a look for yourself below.

It's this sort of dedication that also makes us think that Robbie herself had no problem bearing the numerous hours of make-up and costuming that she endured for her performance as Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad. While it certainly wasn't an easy feat, her dedication to her performance undoubtedly shone through everything she adorned to play the world's new favorite psychopath. It almost makes us wish that James Franco was cast as The Joker in the new DC Extended Universe, just so the two consummate professionals could swap make-up tips, as well as psychotic barbs.

Here's hoping that James Franco and Margot Robbie get to work on a make-up intensive project in the future. But for now, Robbie currently has Terminal and Goodbye Christopher Robin slated for release this year, while Franco can next be seen in Alien: Covenant, which will be in theaters on May 19.

Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.