7 Great Movies Coming To Netflix In July

Jurassic Park Rexy's triumphant roar

As we've taken the time to mourn our fallen Netflix brethren, it is now time to celebrate the new kids in town. July is taking some big ticket favorites off of the platform's streaming library, but it's also giving us seven impressive additions that range from fun and exciting to thrilling and the downright terrifying. If you want to see the full line-up for July's additions, or if you want to see what's leaving throughout that same month, hit the respective links provided. Otherwise, follow us into the future, with the seven movies you should be watching throughout July!

Get Smart Anne Hathaway Steve Carell Agent 99 and Max look over their shoulder

Get Smart

With Steve Carell getting attention for his upcoming film Welcome To Marwen, now seems like a good time to point out some of his best performances. Arguably, one such performance is in the film adaptation of Get Smart, which saw Carell playing Maxwell Smart for a new generation. In the center of the talented ensemble that surrounds him, which includes Anne Hathaway, Alan Arkin, and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Carell not only holds his own - he also resists being a Don Adams clone. It not only helps die hard fans of the series ease into this new incarnation, it also allows new folks to join in on the comic madness.

Happy Gilmore Bob Barker and Adam Sandler fighting

Happy Gilmore

Netflix and Adam Sandler are like peanut butter and jelly: they're lumped together by association, and long standing business practices. That said, who could resist the lure of the best film from his entire catalog, Happy Gilmore, returning to the streaming platform? A story of what happens when the worlds of hockey, golf, and elder care collide, Sandler's sports comedy is legendary for several of its show-stopping gags. Not to mention, cameos from both Ben Stiller and Bob Barker have persisted as some of the best memes to have spawned from this film.

Jurassic Park Rexy's triumphant roar

Jurassic Park

Did you know that there's a new Jurassic World movie heading our way? Of course you did, but it's a fantastic segue to the announcement that the original Jurassic Park trilogy is heading back to Netflix. While you can pick and choose which sequel you want to include in your refresh, and Jurassic World isn't included in the package, you can at the very least see Steven Spielberg's 25 year old classic with fresh eyes. Relive the first time you ever saw a dinosaur.

An Education Carey Mulligan Peter Sarsgaard lying head to head

An Education

Academy Award nominations don't always equal a long standing reputation. Case in point: Lone Scherfig's adaptation of An Education was a film that was nominated for three Oscars, won none, and has been somewhat forgotten to time. That's a complete mistake, as not only does this film feature a murderer's row of supporting talent, it also stands as one of Carey Mulligan's finest performances in her entire career. Prepare to have your heart broken in the most beautiful manner with this one.

Blue Valentine Ryan Gosling Michelle Williams huddled on the street with a ukelele

Blue Valentine

Still in the mood for some heartbreak? Trust us, when it comes to Blue Valentine, you are. Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams move back and forth through their relationship, in a narrative that's as raw and realistic as one could get when discussing romance. This is a challenging film, but it's one that earns its devastating sadness through storytelling and performances that go straight to the bone. It's the second part of the melancholy romantic double feature you never knew you needed.

Van Helsing Hugh Jackman posing with whirring weapons

Van Helsing

Long before the Dark Universe wrecked havoc on Universal's chances of reviving their classic canon of Universal Monsters, Van Helsing was first on the scene of disappointing franchise launches. And yet, the film that was supposed to launch a TV series spin-off isn't as bad as some have made it out to be. If you've avoided this movie because of its past reputation, you owe yourself some monster-hunting fun with Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckinsale. At the very least, it's better than the new Mummy movie we've gotten.

Interview With The Vampire Tom Cruise Brad Pitt Lestat and Louis get close

Interview With The Vampire

We're not into leaving our audience with a total bummer ending, or at least, we try not to make a habit of it. Which is why we're going to send you out with Interview With The Vampire, director Neil Jordan's iconic adaptation of Anne Rice's vampire classic. Taking its fidelity to the source material out of the question, it's hard to think that Tom Cruise's performance as Lestat doesn't deserve an audience, and with Brad Pitt and Kirsten Dunst flanking him with their full fledged chops, it's all the more indelible.

Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.