Please, Disney, Can We Get Mary Poppins Returns In 3D?

Mary Poppins Returns Mary jumps into the magic tub

The final trailer for Mary Poppins Returns showcased an amazing range of visual flare and nostalgic excitement that made fans and newcomers alike behold its potential to be THE film of this year's Christmas holiday. Even compared to films it's directly competing with, like Warner Bros' Aquaman, it has a special element to its content -- including dazzling musical numbers -- that need to be seen on the big screen. But looking at the trailer for a third, even fifth time, there's a thought that starts to creep in and take hold. Which leads to the whole purpose of why we're here today, as this is officially a request that Disney pull out all the stops for this 54 years in the making sequel, and allow Mary Poppins Returns to hit the screen in stunning 3D.

While tons of films get the third-dimensional treatment, and a lot of them being Disney products like The Nutcracker and The Four Realms, it's kind of surprising that Mary Poppins Returns isn't getting that same sort of rollout in its December release slot. Looking at the various set-pieces, musical showstoppers, and visual gags that Mary Poppins Returns has revealed in its latest trailer, it's not a stretch to imagine them all flying out of the screen for the audience to try and catch in their hands. Much like the magic that Mary weaves on everything from chalk drawings to kites, vases, and anything else she can get her hands on, 3D would further transport viewers already fixed on the screen into the deeper world of Mary and the Banks family. With the right conversion, everyone would feel like they're part of the magic themselves.

More importantly, the fact that Mary Poppins Returns has such elements that would allow the film to sparkle in 3D is a factor that should give it some prime consideration, despite the competition it would face should the film make the leap. The 3D landscape will be busy, with screens going to Aquaman, Alita: Battle Angel, and Bumblebee a couple days after this film launches, as well as Mortal Engines and Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse also having footholds in the third dimension. But with that many competitors, there's bound to be a straggler in the pack that can't keep up, which means there could be a drop out that leaves room for Mary Poppins Returns to jump into the fray, scooping up some extra box office cash with the help of its built-in audience.

The whole point of Mary Poppins Returns is to give audiences young and old a film experience that shouts "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious." On its own, in a 2D medium, it's obvious that the film has a lot going for it in terms of its stylistic imagery. But giving the film a bells and whistles 3D rollout is something that, given the option, Mary Poppins herself would condone. In fact, if she could, she'd probably bewitch every print of the film to be a glasses-free 3D experience. Sadly, that's not an option, but the next best thing is for Disney to fly a 3D kite into theaters worldwide, via a 3D release that would bring the film the beautifully immersive experience it deserves. Disney has a chance to do something groundbreaking with a classic franchise it's always respected.

Here's hoping that they can pull some last minute magic out of the bag and land a Christmas spectacle that'll send the year out in style. Mary Poppins Returns is set for release on December 19th, but if you're interested to see what's scheduled to be seen in 3D within the rest of this year's calendar, feel free to check out our 2018 3D release schedule.

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Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.