New Detective Pikachu Trailer Reveals Plenty More Pokemon

Recently, Ryan Reynolds promised us a new trailer for Detective Pikachu, and as a man of his word, that trailer is now available for all to see. But even with the promise of a new look at the adventures of Pokemon unfolding in live action, we didn’t know we’d see this much new material, or this many new pocket monsters, that will be included in the film. Watch for yourself, and prepare to lift up your jaw afterwards.

The basic story for Detective Pikachu still remains, with some new aspects hinted at in this trailer. Specifically, Reynolds’ electric mouse detective seemed to be on the trail of a pretty hot case, right up until he suffers some sort of trauma that causes him to come down with a case of amnesia. All he has is a name and an address, which lead him to Justice Smith’s Tim Goodman, the son of Detective Pikachu’s partner / presumed dead detective Harry.

With these mis-matched partners in the mix, it feels like Detective Pikachu will come out feeling like a family friendly version of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang that everyone can enjoy on a PG / PG-13 level. There’s a lot of humor in the personality clash between Smith and Reynolds’ protagonists, so that’s enough to stand up and cheer for on its own.

But oh man, they’ve thrown a TON of Pokemon our way in this trailer. Off the top of our heads, there’s a Machamp, a Snorlax, a Bulbasaur, and a Lickatung all joining in on the fun in this new look. But wait, there’s more, as Detective Pikachu apparently features the original OP Pokemon itself, Mewtwo! Clearly, the situation is going to get pretty damned serious if a Mewtwo is in play. Get a good look at that beauty for yourself below:

Detective Pikachu Mewtwo hovers over a fire

Directed by Goosebumps’ Rob Letterman, and also starring the likes of Bill Nighty, Rita Ora, and Ken Watanabe, Detective Pikachu looks to be one hell of a ride at the opening of the summer movie season. And with Avengers: Endgame opening only a couple weeks before, audiences will be primed for a fast and funny ride into the world of another cultural phenomenon that’s getting its long overdue tribute on the big screen.Though now that we think about it, it’s a good chance that Pikachu’s Thor’s favorite Pokemon. We’ll leave you with that to think about.

Detective Pikachu will shock the world on May 10th, but if you want to see what’s coming in the meantime, head to our 2019 release schedule and behold the coming champions!

Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.