Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers: Who Was Nominated

And, once again, the hinky voter wins Head of Household. No complaints here. I love a hinky voter and I love a wildcard HoH. Scottie's reign as HoH began in the Big Brother house on Thursday night, and by the end of Friday, he had two houseguests on the block. We have the spoilers from the live feeds, including who was nominated and which two houseguests won the final apps.
That's your final spoiler warning
Here's how everything is going down in the house right now:
Head of Household
Won the Veto
Not played yet
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Won the Apps
Bayleigh (won Identity Theft, which may be the biggest power to be claimed)
Haleigh (won the ReadIt! punishment)
All signs point to Scottie using this Head of Household week to target the bros. He seems keen on getting Brett out in particular, as it's evident Brett's the more cool-calm-collected one. Both Tyler and JC have tried to steer Scottie toward targeting Rockstar. That makes sense, at least from Tyler's perspective, since Rockstar has been on to his smooth game-playing for a while now. But Scottie doesn't seem to be biting and he went ahead and put up Brett and Winston, aka The Bros. Understandably, Winston's not taking it well.
There are multiple powers in play right now. Tyler has that Cloud power, which is only good for keeping him off the block if he knows to use it before someone tries to nominate him at some point in the next seven weeks. Sam has the free life power, which will give herself or someone she uses it on the chance to come back into the house if evicted. This power is going to be used no matter what, whether Sam uses it this week or is forced to use it next week. And now Bayleigh has the Identity Theft power, which will apparently allow her to replace nominations at some point before the final eight.
Bayleigh's power is huge. It's not quite as powerful as the coup d'etat twist from Big Brother seasons past. If it works how it's been described, Bayleigh's power allows her take over the nominations just before the initial nomination ceremony. It sounds like that's where her power would end, though we'll know the exact specifics of how it works during Sunday night's episode. This would mean, she wouldn't have control over the replacement nomination if the Veto is won and used. That's a shift from the coup d'etat, which allowed a player to swap out one or both of the nominees during eviction night (after Veto is out of play). Still, it's a pretty major power, as she could target two people she wants out and ensuring at least one of them stays on the block. And from what she told Fessy, it sounds like this is a nomination-takeover situation. Meaning, the HoH would be told just prior to the ceremony that their nominations are being changed to the power holder's choices.
Bayleigh also said that the HoH wouldn't be allowed to tell people that their nominations were taken over by the power holder. Essentially, they'd have to claim these nominations as their own. That part seems weird to me. I mean, it makes sense in the theme of "Identity Theft," but are they seriously expected to maintain a lie that's not their own?
With the bros on the block this week, it's not surprising that she didn't use it right away. Meanwhile, Haleigh got the Read It app, which means she's going to have to read Hamlet while wearing a costume. That's cute. (I wonder if she'll have to read a vegan version of Hamlet for Fessy. #HamJoke)
Things aren't looking great for the bros right now, but the Veto competition is today and if one of them or an ally can manage to win it, there's a chance the plan will change for the week. It's also worth noting that Sam's concerned about being put in a position to have to use her power next week on someone she doesn't want to use it on. If she or someone she likes ends up on the block come Thursday, she may decide to use it.
In other news, Steve surfaced on Social Media, which confirms there probably isn't a plan to bring back an evicted houseguest. That doesn't come as a huge shock, considering Sam HAS to use the power she has. It's clear that the pre-Jury buy-back will come in the form of that power and not the traditional Battle Back we've seen in more recent seasons. Plus, Julie told Swaggy that Haleigh voted to keep him. I doubt she would've done that if he had any chance to come back.
In other news, Steve surfaced on Social Media, which confirms there probably isn't a plan to bring back an evicted houseguest. That doesn't come as a huge shock, considering Sam HAS to use the power she has. It's clear that the pre-Jury buy-back will come in the form of that power and not the traditional Battle Back we've seen in more recent seasons. Plus, Julie told Swaggy that Haleigh voted to keep him. I doubt she would've done that if he had any chance to come back.
Kelly joined CinemaBlend as a freelance TV news writer in 2006 and went on to serve as the site’s TV Editor before moving over to other roles on the site. At present, she’s an Assistant Managing Editor who spends much of her time brainstorming and editing feature content on the site. She an expert in all things Harry Potter, books from a variety of genres (sci-fi, mystery, horror, YA, drama, romance -- anything with a great story and interesting characters.), watching Big Brother, frequently rewatching The Office, listening to Taylor Swift, and playing The Sims.