Core Blaze: UE3 RPG Details Revealed, Coming Late 2011

RedGate Games and Gamania's Eastern-inspired MMORPG, Core Blaze, will be arriving sometime in late 2011. The game is running on the Unreal Engine 3 and has gameplay that rivals the likes of Vindictus, Blade and Soul or TERA Online.

One of the unique things mentioned in the press release was that…

Its free customization alters the core gameplay experience dynamically depending on various factors, such as the player's current level, choice of combat style and weapons, geography and map environment, monsters’ element, and even the weather and time of day. Changing any factor produces a new quest line and outcome, which will change the player's strategy, even when entering the same map at a different time of the day.

The game’s physical destruction and multiple weapons add to the arcade, hack-and-slash feel offered in games like Vindictus. There are four major weapons currently scheduled to appear in the game when it releases later next year, including a giant sword, sword and shield, dual swords and a long bow. Up to four players will be able to enter an instance together and unlike most other games out there, players can switch up which weapons can be used so there’s no need to start shouting out in the middle of the town that you need a DPS or a tank for a particular fight…just switch weapons and get to it.

Another unique aspect to the game is that there are climbing and platform type segments where players will be encouraged to use the environment to advance through a stage.

You can check out additional details on the weapons and gameplay by visiting the Official Website. A gameplay video is also currently available, which you can view below.

Will Usher

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.