When And Where Star Wars: Rogue One Will Reveal New Details

So far, this year has already proven itself to be one of the absolute best years for major blockbuster movies in recent memory. However, we are so far from done with 2016 and all of the movies it has in store. One of the movies that has us incredibly excited also happens to have us incredibly perplexed. We know so much about the backstory behind Star Wars: Rogue One, but we still know so very little about actual the movie itself. Luckily, we can expect that more information about Rogue One will be divulged later this summer.


We’ve just learned that the folks behind Rogue One plan to have a serious presence at Star Wars Celebration Europe this summer in London. On July 15, Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy, Rogue One director Gareth Edwards and a serious of other surprise guests will take the stage for a panel concerning anything and everything related to what we love about Star Wars. Additionally, the website for the celebration mentions that Mark Hamill will also make an appearance at the event, but we can likely rule out him having any real involvement with Rogue One due to the film's status as a prequel. Although the announcement doesn’t provide a great deal of information about what they will specifically discuss on this panel, at this point we will take anything that we can get.

It’s been quite a while since we’ve seen a movie produced with the same level of secrecy as Star Wars: Rogue One. The production of the upcoming A New Hope prequel experienced almost as much security and concealment as the actual Death Star plans. Considering how little we know about the movie, this particular venue seems like a prime opportunity for Lucasfilm and Disney to unveil another trailer for the film, so a reveal of that nature most certainly seems within the realm of possibility. Keep your fingers firmly crossed.


At this point all we really have to go on is the sole trailer for the upcoming adventure in a galaxy far, far away. Check it out below to see for yourself:

So, Star Wars fans, it looks as though we are potentially going to have an incredibly interesting summer when it comes to learning more about Rogue One. We will likely have more updates once Kathleen Kennedy and Gareth Edwards take the stage on July 15, and we will get to see Rogue One in all its glory when it finally hits theaters on December 16.

Conner Schwerdtfeger

Originally from Connecticut, Conner grew up in San Diego and graduated from Chapman University in 2014. He now lives in Los Angeles working in and around the entertainment industry and can mostly be found binging horror movies and chugging coffee.