Bill And Ted's Heinous DVD Adventure

There is no arguing it. The greatest rock band of all time is Wyld Stallions. Bill S. Preston, esquire and Ted Theodore Logan not only rocked, but they had some most excellent adventures through time, space, and even the afterlife. Whoa. Unfortunately, a most heinous piece of information has come forward on the mega-duo: their adventures might not be over, but they won’t continue on the big screen.

That’s right dudes and dudettes. It appears Bill and Ted are the next names to be tossed into the direct to DVD sequel fire. Even more not-cool is that with any potential sequels moving to home theaters instead of mega-theaters, it’s pretty unlikely Alex Winter or Keanu Reeves will be involved in any way.

The LA Times reports that not only is this heinous act planned, it’s actually already underway. MGM is developing the movie with Gabe Gifroni and Suzanne Francis already having turned in an outline for the duo’s next adventure. Totally.

Here’s hoping MGM will treat the time-traveling heroes of time and space with the righteous respect they deserve, and not sully the names of Bill and Ted with American Pie style antics (the typical measurement tool for straight to video movies). I mean, what are you really going to pit a team up that has traveled through time, faced off with Death in a mean game of Twister, and united the world through their music?

Hmmm… maybe Ozzfest?