Street Fighter X Tekken DLC Pricing Set, Officially Unlocks April 3rd
Capcom has been under a firestorm of hate lately with the way they handled the release and disc-locked content for Street Fighter X Tekken. Today, the company has sent out word on what will be free and what will be paid-for regarding all the content locked away on the disc.
The news comes courtesy of the Capcom's community manager, where he revealed that they will start rolling out content (or rather, allowing gamers to have access to the disc-locked content) for the game beginning April 3rd. This kicks off with 12 free colors (keep in mind that 56 of the colors are locked), three new quick-combo pre-sets, three additional gem loadout slots, and nine new gem packs bringing the total to 60 (it still hasn't been confirmed just how many gems are stored on the disc, though).
As previously reported, costumes will still be $1 dollar per costume or 80 MSP. You can also buy the packs in groups of two for Street Fighter and Tekken character sets for $13.00. Again, if you want all the costumes it could cost up to $100. Also, all 12 fighters will be released this fall alongside the launch of the PS Vita version for the standard price of $20.00 or 1600 MSP. All 12 fighters will be available right out of the box for the PS Vita version of Street Fighter X Tekken.
Take note that the color customization will not be complete, the free packs are just used as a way for damage control but you'll still have to pay for the additional colors. No pricing has been set for the remaining 44 colors. We'll keep you posted with more info when it arrives.
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