3D Look At Badly Burned Two-Face?

Heath Ledger’s Joker getup has grown on me, so maybe this will grow on me to. Right now though, my gut reaction to the new Two-Face concept art to your right [image removed at request of WB] is: they’ve gone too far. The image comes from CBC. Click over there to see the high-res photo.

I suppose we should have expected something like this. It’s in keeping with Nolan’s determination to make things as realistic as possible, even if it means sacrificing cool factor for gritty reality. In many of his other incarnations for instance, Two-Face was kind of cool. Yeah his face was messed up, but the messed up half often ended up looking like some sort of psychotic goblin with wicked fashion sense. It was fun.

There’s nothing fun about this. It looks like someone glued a partially chewed Uruk-Hai on to the left half of Harvey Dent’s head. There’s nothing comic book or particularly creative about it. It’s like Nolan simply told his production designers to burn the shit out of him, and then that’s what they went with. I get why they did it, I just think it’s a little too much. This is a superhero movie after all, not Halloween or The Mummy. Maybe it’ll turn out to be fake.

Josh Tyler