Bare Ass Cooking

I thought the trend of adapting ill-fitting television series into movies ended with Crocodile Hunter. But now Michael Kuhn’s Qwerty films is determined to make a movie out of a cooking show. They’re doing it with “The Naked Chef”, who unfortunately isn’t naked at all.

Qwerty has hired Kyle Long to shoehorn the British food series “Jamie’s Kitchen” into a feature film. The film will follow Jamie as he chases a rogue head of lettuce through the jungles of Cambodia, attempting to retrieve a secret weapon hidden with in the lettuce’s leaves.

Or it’ll probably just rehash the idea of his show, in which he enslaves a group of underprivileged youngsters to staff his kitchen. This time it’ll be set in New York instead of London, because Americans only like movies that take place in Los Angeles or New York.

Blend News Network

Oy! That's a big head of lettuce in The CB Forum.

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