Does Indy Have A New Curator?

Today seems to be the day for casting rumors. This one actually has even less basis than anything else we’ve read today, as it’s just an AICN frequenter writing in with a “I heard this” story, but what the hell… Today is the first official day of filming for Indy 4 so we might as well bring the news along…

According to AICN reader, “Irving,” Jim Broadbent has been added to the cast of Indiana Jones IV (tentatively titled Indiana Jones and the City of the Gods). According to what “Irving” has heard, Broadbent would be serving as a replacement for the late, great Denholm Elliott. Thankfully the news seems to indicate Broadbent would not be taking over that character but just serving the same role as Marcus Brody.

That seems pretty cool if it’s true. Personally, I’ve always preferred Brody’s minor role in Raiders of the Lost Ark. He served his purpose, really helped carry the weight of what Indy was searching for, and then got out of the picture. While I got some laughs from Brody in Last Crusade, I didn’t think it was absolutely necessary to keep the character in the movie for that long.

So Ford as Indy, Blanchett as the villainess, Shia LeBouf as the sidekick, Ray Winstone and John Hurt playing as yet unknown roles (although Hurt is rumored to be playing Albert Einstein). This is shaping up to be quite the cast.