Doom For Street Fighter

Hyde Park Entertainment still hasn’t given up on their quest to make another Street Fighter movie. I guess they figure their version can’t possibly be worse than the original one. Variety reports that Andrzej Bartkowiak has been hired to direct it.

Bartkowiak most recently was responsible for the videogame to movie adaptation Doom. He’s also delivered such cinematic gems as Cradle 2 the Grave, Exit Wounds, and Romeo Must Die. Basically, Hyde Park is aiming pretty low. The guy has never made anything that wasn’t god awful, so even though it may not be possible to make a movie that’s actually worse than the original Jean Claude Van Damme version of Street Fighter, Hyde Park is giving it the old college try.

There’s no word on casting yet, but a few months ago there were rumors that the film would focus on the character of Chun Li and that Jessica Biel might be involved. I find that kind of unlikely. After the box office success of Chuck and Larry, she can do better. There’s no way this movie will be anything but crap. It’s based on a videogame with a paper thin plot, and it’s an idea that’s already failed once. Some day Hollywood will get the whole videogame adaptation thing right, but this is not that day.

Josh Tyler