Dragon Wars Poster Attacks!

I have no idea if Dragon Wars, aka D-War is going to be any good… in fact it’ll probably suck. But my god this poster is sexy. The footage that popped up online here a few weeks ago was pretty kickass too. It’s like a Gojira wet dream. No movie can really be this cool. I have this horrible feeling that this is the giant monsters attack equivalent of Robot Jox.

Let’s hope I’m wrong because what could be better than some serious monster stompin theater fun? This summer we had GIANT FREAKIN ROBOTs, bring on the giant freakin monsters! Dragon Wars is a Korean import about legendary creatures who return to destroy our planet. Basically, you’re talking at least 90 minutes of rampant destruction set in Los Angeles.

To see that sweet Dragon Wars poster to your right in high-res, check it out on ShockTillYouDrop. To see the movie’s new domestic trailer, watch it here.

Josh Tyler