Drew's Movie To Explain Men

Hollywood's latest trend seems to be developing in the realm of non-fiction, and no I'm not referring to the obsession with revisionist history like The New World. I'm talking about special interest books being turned into to film fodder. Leo DiCaprio is starring in the adaptation of Blink: The Power Of Thinking Without Thinking, a book about what happens in your brain during those first precious few seconds when you form first impressions about something new. Now Drew Barrymore is doing something similar.

Greg Behrendt and Liz Tucillo, the authors behind "He’s Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth To Understanding Guys", have adapted the text for the big screen and Barrymore's production company, Flower Films, is bringing it to life. According to Empire Online the book taps the wisdom that went into TV show "Sex and the City". It's a humorous question/answer book that gives women the inside track on those wily beasts known as men. Sure, that may be the plot behind nearly every major chick-flick out there, but this time it's based on a non-fiction book giving it that...um...extra credibility those based-on-fiction movies are sorely lacking. At least it's not something based on a video game.

The script has been described as Hitch-like, about a romance advisor who falls for one of the women seeking his wisdom. No word yet on whether or not Drew will appear in front of the camera or remain behind the scenes.