Fandango to Swipe Your Cell Phones

Just about anyone with half a brain knows that ordering your movie tickets online saves a boat load of time and stops you from having to listen to a bunch of 13-year-olds talking about how cool they are while you wait in line at the box office. Almost everyone orders tickets using Fandango, and the popular service is looking to up its game in the coming year, according to THR.

Currently, if you order your tickets through Fandango, you still need to go to a kiosk or a service window and print out your paper tickets. Fandango hopes to cut this step out completely by sending bar code images to your cell phone that ticket takers can scan, eliminating the need for paper tickets completely. This is good news for people who just can't wait the extra 45 seconds to get into the theater or just can't seem to wrap their minds around the complexities of the movie theater kiosks, but bad news for anyone like me who likes to see their shoe box of movie tickets brimming with paper memories.

This service will not be launching everywhere all at once. Test markets will be run in New York, Bakersfield and Sacramento, California, Dallas and Houston, Texas, and parts of New Jersey to see if consumers will take to the new system. This isn't exactly going to change the way we see movies, but how do you guys feel about paperless ticketing? Real tickets aren't going anywhere for a while, but would you be upset if you couldn't hold a dated ticket stub in your hand?