Fantastic Four Changes Names

Like it or not, Fantastic Four is getting a sequel. I personally wasn’t impressed with the first Fantastic Four movie, and was even less impressed with the title we had received for the sequel: Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer. It just had the sound of introducing a character specifically for a spin-off, which, of course, it was.

According to Super Hero Hype, who remain excited (one might say hyped) about all things super hero related, the movie has a new title. Similar to the recently outcast title, the new title announces the possible spin-off character, but Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer certainly has a more comic book sounding name to it, doesn’t it? Not to mention it puts more emphasis on the Surfer’s role as a potential villain, which is what the plot appears to be going for, regardless of what we who are familiar with the comics know.

Super Hero Hype has a description of that plot, which features the mysteriouis Surfer character wreaking havoc around the globe, giving the Fantastic Four two issues to deal with: figuring out what the Surfer is up to, and dealing with their nemesis, Doctor Doom.

For the true comic book geek, AICN has a breakdown by comic number of what they suspect the movie to borrow the plot from. Instead of the arrival of the Surfer as a preface to Galactus as everyone originally suspected (issues 48-50) but instead combine it with a storyline with the Surfer where Doom manages to acquire some of his power (issues 57-60). Of course, all of this is merely speculation at this point, but it would save the movie from having to deal with the big purple planet eater if it chose not to.