From Ring to Destination

How do you follow up a successful weekend of making money by building junk on top of other people’s hard work? You sign up to do it again!

Ryan Merriman and Mary Winstead, who currently appear in the craptastic sequel The Ring Two have signed to appear in the third Final Destination film - Cheating Death: Final Destination 3 (yes that’s the real name, I couldn’t come up with something that bad if I tried).

The Ring Two has drawn flack for taking what was a promising, better-than-the-original Japanese remake, and following it up with a half-assed film. I don’t know how much of that is due to Merriman and Winstead, who only briefly appear in the sequel, but it’s an odd move to build your career out of horror sequels. Then again, with original Final Destination creators James Wong and Glen Morgan behind the film maybe it won’t be that bad, although I’d suggest changing the name to something that sounds a little less “straight to video”.

When you have a movie named Final Destination, wouldn’t you expect it to be a single film? I mean, the word Final kind of lends itself to an ending... although there are over a dozen “Final Fantasy” video games, so what do I know.