Harold And Kumar Start Filming

The Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle sequel we've been hearing about for the past year is finally ready to light up. Production Weekly says they start shooting in January.

Both John Cho and Kal Penn are back as Harold and Kumar. This time, they end up on a cross-country journey trying to outrun authorities after they try to sneak a bong onto a flight to Amsterdam and end up being terrorist suspects. Call me crazy, but that doesn't sound nearly as creative as an entire movie about stoners trying to get tasty burgers. They're calling this one Harold and Kumar Go to Amsterdam, but Harold and Kumar Go to Jail might be more appropriate. Maybe one of them will be electrocuted, gifting him with crazy electro-man powers. That'll pave the way for a whole slew of Harold and Kumar sequels. Harold and Kumar Save Christmas, Harold and Kumar Scared Stupid. Why not.

Harold and Kumar Run Away From the Authorities is being written by the the first movie's screenwriters, Jon Hurwitz and Hayden Schlossberg. So it really looks like they have all the same components in place for the sequel. As long as they find a way to work in another cameo by coked out Neil Patrick Harris everything should be alright.

Josh Tyler