In The Mood For More Wong Kar Wai?

I absolutely adore Wong Kar Wai. The talented Hong Kong director brought us Chungking Express, In The Mood For Love, and its fantastic follow-up, 2046. Few directors can create the kind of stylish, moody pictures that he churns out every few years, which is why his work is always on my ‘must-see’ list.

According to Variety, The Weinstein Co. has picked up the domestic rights to Wong's latest film, My Blueberry Nights. As a change of pace, he is hitting American soil and recruiting U.S. actors—not to mention singer/songwriter Norah Jones in her film debut. (Personally, I’d rather hear her new music than see her try and segue into an acting career, but such is life.)

Jones will play a woman who travels the country looking for answers about love. While this sounds like a very generic premise, I have faith that Wong will elevate it to something a tad more interesting. Plus, not to worry, there will be some comedic mishaps along the way.

The cast is loaded with high-profile talent: Jude Law, David Strathairn, Rachel Weisz and Natalie Portman are all geared up and ready to go. Wong co-wrote the script with Lawrence Block, and the film is currently in post-production.