The Ring 3D Is Crawling Toward You Like A Demonic Dead Girl

Naomi Watts sits in a dark hotel room while she stares at the tape in her hands in The Ring.
(Image credit: DreamWorks Pictures)

This is the kind of thing that could have easily been an April Fool's Day joke a few weeks back, but it's late April now, so we know it's real. Heat Vision reports that Paramount has greenlit a third Ring film, which will be-- I bet you can guess this one-- Ring 3D.

And oh, it gets better-- the plan is to make this installment "more teen-centric" than the original, and will be a "reinvention" of the franchise, which is probably a handy way to mask the fact that Naomi Watts wouldn't return to this franchise if that creepy dark-haired girl were crawling right toward her. Actually back on board are producers Walter Parkes and Laurie MacDonald, along with David Loucka, who wrote the upcoming thriller Dream House as well.

Doesn't a third Ring movie almost feel like a flashback at this point? The trend of adapting every popular Japanese horror title kind of petered out in the middle of the last decade, so by now it's almost as if somehow greenlit a fourth Matrix movie, or wanted to make a scathing take on George W. Bush in order to influence the 2004 election. You almost have to admire the kind of delusion going on here.

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend