Rose Byrne Talks X-Men Trilogy Hopes And Her Experience Shooting The Film

Rose Byrne has acting for quite a role, with roles in Troy, Marie Antoinette and 28 Weeks Later, but now more than ever she’s in the spotlight and really expanding her repertoire. After tugging on our heartstrings in Adam she starred alongside Nicolas Cage in the sci-fi mystery Knowing. From there she unleashed the comedy in Get Him to the Greek and up next, she’ll get her horror on in James Wan’s Insidious. What can’t she do?

And this summer she'll finally check "summer blockbuster" off the list in X-Men: First Class where Byrne stars as Dr. Moira MacTaggert, a non-mutant CIA agent who joins forces with Xavier, Erik and the rest of the gang. While chatting up Insidious, Byrne took the time to update us on the new X-Men film, her experience making it, her affection for how universal the X-Men world is, and even her plans for potential sequels. Check it all out in the video clip below.

Perri Nemiroff

Staff Writer for CinemaBlend.