Rush Limbaugh Could Get A Movie

Rush Limbaugh speaks during his show in 2020.
(Image credit: The Rush Limbaugh Show)

Our left-leaning readers probably uttered a collective groan when they read the headline of this story, but before you dismiss it like a Kirk Cameron creationism documentary, give this idea a chance. Deadline says James Sclafani has written a movie about the life of Rush Limbaugh, and it’s being shopped around Hollywood. The screenplay is based on an unauthorized biography called “The Rush Limbaugh Story: Talent on Loan from God”.

Rush Limbaugh is a tool, it’s true, but here’s why this is a good idea: He’s a really successful tool, an interesting tool, the kind of tool that it seems you could make a pretty good movie about. I’m imagining this as a right-wing, power-tie wearing version of Howard Stern’s Private Parts. If you haven’t seen Stern’s movie by now, get moving and do. It’s not the movie you think it is, and somehow I don’t think Limbaugh’s movie will be either. Sure it won’t have as many gratuitous boobies but if the film’s an honest examination of the man’s life, including his flaws, foibles, drug addictions, and hypocrisies then this could be a pretty special film. Even a rose-colored, puff-piece could be interesting. Limbaugh’s been around the political block a time or two. It’s impossible not to believe that somewhere in there’s an interesting story or two to be told.

Scalfani compares his script to Oliver Stone’s excellent George Bush biography W and seems to agree with my Private Parts assessment too. The movie will examine the contradictions in Limbaugh’s life and his positions and cover his life from dodging the draft in Vietnam to radio stardom.

Scalfani recently sold a script to Bill Murray, so this isn’t just some out of work writer looking for attention. There’s genuine interest out there in the project, and a chance that someone may bite and turn it into something. We’ll let you know when and if it does.

Josh Tyler