Two More Character Posters For G.I. Joe

When we saw the new G.I. Joe poster yesterday, we could have guessed it was the start of what will probably be an enormous line of posters. After all, when you have a movie as fully stocked with popular characters as this movie is, you have to have a character poster for each of them.

The same blog that uncovered that Duke poster yesterday has put up two more character posters, captured from the Amsterdam Cinema Expo. This time around we have Baroness and Snake Eyes, both looking vicious and carrying that same “Rise of Cobra” subtitle. Expect to see about… oh, twenty billion other character posters in the next few weeks as everyone from Gung Ho to Cobra Soldier #24601 gets a shot in the limelight.

Click to check out that Baroness poster at Film1

Click to check out that Snake Eyes poster at Film1