The Best Board Games For Kids 6-8

For Young Detectives

Hasbro Guess Who Classic Game

Put Your Thinking Cap On

Guess Who has been around for a while, and if it's not on your board game shelf yet, it should be! Guess Who helps kids learn how to ask the right questions at the right time.

Everyone knows this classic cat-and-mouse style game. In it, two players face off to figure out who the other player's mystery character is. To start the game, each opponent selects a mystery character of their choice, and their opponent must ask the right questions in order to figure out their identity. The first person to guess their opponent's mystery card wins! But, if you a guess a mystery character incorrectly, you automatically lose.

This is a game of learning how to ask the right questions, and the right time to ask them. It's a blast if you don't mind a little challenge.

Key Features

  • Two-player game
  • Includes 2 games boards, 24 mystery cards, 48 face cards, and 2 scorekeepers
  • Consists of asking yes or no questions
For Fast-Faced Fun

5 Second Rule Junior

The Whole Family Can Join In

If you're a fan of fast-paced games that keep the energy high throughout, this game is perfect for you and yours! Brings out the silliest and most hilarious side of every gamer.

5 Second Rule Junior is a match made in heaven for a team of people who like to play games but perhaps get bored quickly. Because of the—you guessed it—five second rule for each round, the fun keeps going.

It's a high energy game that requires a little creativity and willingness to participate from everyone, and it's a quite a blast because everyone is sure to say something silly along the way.

This game comes with 200 cards loaded with 400 questions, so the variety of cards will catch even the most seemingly skilled players off guard.

Read up on our superheroes, farm animals, cereals, and more before you play!

Key Features

  • Family version of a popular party game
  • Comes with 400 questions, 6 pawns, 1 twisted timer, and 1 game board
  • Multi-player setup
For Observant Kiddos

Briarpatch I SPY Eagle Eye Find-It Game

Grab Your Magnifying Glass

Briarpatch's classic I SPY game makes looking closely alluring and gratifying. Tell your kids to grab their magnifying glasses, they'll need 'em!

I SPY requires a little patience and close attention to detail—both are great qualities for kids to learn through hands-on experience!

To play this classic game with a modern twist, pick a card and then try to match an item on your card to an item on the board. There's only one match per card, so you'll have to look closely and pay attention to seemingly small details on the board. Once you find the match, ring the bell and you win the round!

Each board features an intriguing photograph loaded with a wide range of items and knick knacks. Each time you look at one of the four boards, you'll see something totally new and interesting!

It's fun for players both young and old to spot something new with each play, and hopefully win in the process. This game teaches excellent observation and critical thinking skills, all disguised with the fun, fast-paced nature of the game.

Key Features

  • 2 to 4 player game
  • Comes with 4 double-sided game boards, 30 double-sided cards, plus a dinger bell
  • Requires close attention to detail
For Disney Fans

Ravensburger World of Disney Eye Found It Board Game

A Treasure Hunt Of Fun

Calling all Disney fans! An afternoon of fun awaits your family as you race against the clock to journey through the 12 Disney realms until you find the most iconic Disney characters.

On this massive 6'' game board, you'll find some of your favorite Disney characters—both classic and new—like Tinkerbell and Princess Ariel. It's simple to play and learn.

What you'll do in this fun-filled game is travel through the 12 Disney realms—voyaging from land to sea, winter to summer, Arendelle to Alice's Wonderland. As you move your way along the board deeper and deeper into the Disney universe, you'll search for some iconic Disney characters we all know and love.

Once you start the game, it's a race to to work together to get to Cinderella's castle before the clock strikes midnight. If every player gets there on time, you have a room full of winners.

Key Features

  • 1-6 player game
  • Comes with 1 game board, 1 Spinner, 10 mouse-ear Tokens, 30 search cards, and 1 sand timer
Alaina Strollo

Alaina is a writer and editor for the TravelAwaits team. Between her love for delicious food, hidden gems and niche destinations, and binge-watching travel series on Netflix, Alaina loves writing most of all. She is a storyteller at heart with a passion for sharing stories with the world.