What Shocked Adam Conover About Adam Ruins Everything's Childbirth Episode
Silly to say it, perhaps, but be warned that there are spoilers for the Season 2 premiere of Adam Ruins Everything below.
For Season 1 of the binge-friendly Adam Ruins Everything, host and comedian Adam Conover conquered a smorgasbord of sometimes controversial topics and dropped a wealth of knowledge on viewers in every episode. For the highly anticipated Season 2 premiere, the show took on the endlessly complicated world of childbirth, and when Conover recently spoke with CinemaBlend about that and other episodes, I asked about the biggest surprises that came out of the premiere, and we shared a sense of awe over just how often postpartum depression occurs with both new mothers and new fathers.
Speaking from personal experience, that section of the episode was a total game-changer, as that's information everyone should already be aware of. Many times when you watch a movie or a TV show that offers up a baby's delivery within a fictional narrative, or hear a timely anecdote, it's almost always portrayed exactly as he says, with the instant gratification and connection overshadowing any other emotions. (Not to mention all other post-birth practices involving clean-up and the like.) And sure, that does happen for some families, but not all families. And if Adam ruined any kind of stigma against acknowledging postpartum depression is a regular thing, we're pretty okay with that.
The episode, plainly titled "Adam Ruins Childbirth," was about as heavy as Adam Ruins Everything gets, and the host was not oblivious to the fact that he might attract some raised eyebrows as a man going on TV and telling both women and men that we're all likely misinformed about some things. But he assured me the females within the writing team and the crew were instrumental into all of it coming together. (And none of those females was Gwyneth Paltrow, who may or may not still think that steaming ones nethers will cure postpartum.)
Plus, as it goes with every episode of Adam Ruins Everything, its host and research posse weren't going into topics with pre-suppositions, and went where the facts took them. And Adam Conover told me he was also pretty stunned by the section about fertility myths, which opened his eyes up to how widespread and permeating those misconceptions can be for women.
Adam Ruins Everything has a ways to go before it runs out of topics, but I'm sure a short season's worth of episodes could be released focused entirely on birth (and pregnancy) myths and misunderstandings. And for what it's worth, Adam Conover said there's always a chance that the show could return to certain subject matter that had been covered in a previous episode, but that they'd likely find a different way to cover it so that it felt different enough.
With lots more facts to disperse at the ready -- including the next episode about weight loss -- Adam Ruins Everything airs Tuesday nights on truTV at 10:00 p.m. ET. To see everything else hitting the small screen in the near future, head to our summer premiere schedule.
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Nick is a Cajun Country native and an Assistant Managing Editor with a focus on TV and features. His humble origin story with CinemaBlend began all the way back in the pre-streaming era, circa 2009, as a freelancing DVD reviewer and TV recapper. Nick leapfrogged over to the small screen to cover more and more television news and interviews, eventually taking over the section for the current era and covering topics like Yellowstone, The Walking Dead and horror. Born in Louisiana and currently living in Texas — Who Dat Nation over America’s Team all day, all night — Nick spent several years in the hospitality industry, and also worked as a 911 operator. If you ever happened to hear his music or read his comics/short stories, you have his sympathy.