The Best Brooklyn Nine-Nine Episodes To Film, According To The Cast

beach house brooklyn nine-nine episode

Brooklyn Nine-Nine was never the highest ratings bringer over at Fox, but it has won awards for its innovative programming and continues to be a fan-favorite on streaming services, as well. It's younger-skewing audience should be happy to hear the show will be back for Season 6, and the cast recently reunited at Comic-Con to share memories from the set of the now-NBC series, revealing which episodes of the show were the most fun to film. Spoiler alert: Most of them were earlier episodes of the show. According to series lead Andy Samberg, there's definitely one episode of the series that was super fun to shoot that most of the cast would agree on. He said:

"Beach House." We'd all say "Beach House..." Because we all got to go hang out at the beach in this big beautiful house. And it was early on enough in the show that it was a bonding experience for the cast. We kind of had a lot of downtime and the house was far away from our base camp, where the trailers are. So we really just kind of hung out and chatted and got to know each other. It was a really fun experience.

Speaking at the Brooklyn Nine-Nine panel CinemaBlend attended, Andy Samberg revealed that the whole cast is a huge fan of "Beach House," a Season 2 episode of the show that brought the whole cast together to film in a fun and relaxing environment. Per the actor, the whole cast was really excited to get to know one another better during "Beach House," even if the premise of the actual episode involved everyone wanting to hang out without Captain Holt, who is invited at the last minute by Jake.

"Beach House" isn't the only episode people connected to the show loved filming, however. Terry Crews also mentioned that his favorite scenes for Terry to shoot actually came way back in Season 1 during "The Party." He noted,

I also remember "The Party." The party was a great episode, because this was when y'all stopped eating crab wrong, and you know I was trying to corral the whole group into doing something very very inappropriate. We were at Captain's house. That was like the first time we were all together. I mean that was Season 1.

The episode in question gave Terry some really funny early Terry stuff to do including the "stop eating crab wrong" line. He also confiscated Amy's phone during that episode after she tried to take notes on Captain Holt's lifestyle choices when the team was invited over for his birthday. He also gives Jake advice when Jake tries to impress Kevin by having read the New Yorker. It's a good Terry episode, and it's easy to see why Terry Crews is a big fan of that one.

For Melissa Fumero another episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine that was fun to shoot was the "99," which is an episode that aired last season. She mentioned,

"99" was fun, too. I just thought about the episode where we were all in Holt's clothes, and I just remember thinking "Cheddar." And didn't Chelsea have one of her epic [moments] where she's just laughing until she cries?

My favorite episode of the past season was probably "The Box," which had Holt and Peralta working together and nabbed Sterling K. Brown as a guest star. However, "99" was yet another versatile full cast episode that involves Holt finding out he could land his dream job but nearly missing out on an interview. During this time an RV blows up, the cast visits Nakatomi Plaza and the team finds out Rosa has a girlfriend. It's easy to see how this one was fun to film, as well.

All in all, Brooklyn Nine-Nine will be back for another season, and hopefully next year at Comic-Con there will be more fun cast memories to add to this list. For now, you can cement your own opinions when the comedy heads to NBC this fall.

Jessica Rawden
Managing Editor

Jessica Rawden is Managing Editor at CinemaBlend. She’s been kicking out news stories since 2007 and joined the full-time staff in 2014. She oversees news content, hiring and training for the site, and her areas of expertise include theme parks, rom-coms, Hallmark (particularly Christmas movie season), reality TV, celebrity interviews and primetime. She loves a good animated movie. Jessica has a Masters in Library Science degree from Indiana University, and used to be found behind a reference desk most definitely not shushing people. She now uses those skills in researching and tracking down information in very different ways.