Watch Campaign Video For Brad Bird Directing Star Wars Episode VII

It's Election Day in America, and while many of us are glued to television screens and computer monitors hungry for the latest polls, reports of lines at polling places, and a barrage of commentary from friends, foes and celebrities, there's someone already looking ahead to our future. Well, I mean, aside from the candidates.

The Unlearning Channel has an eye on 2015, when Star Wars: Episode VII is slated to hit theaters. Last week, with news that Disney bought Lucasfilm, the web erupted in in a heady mix of nerdgasms and territorial outrage as fans of the Star Wars film series either deemed this the best thing that could happen to the franchise or an utter abomination that was sure to further hurt its legacy. Of course, the big question that most fans immediately pondered was who will helm Episode VII? Yesterday a rumor emerged that X-Men: First Class director Matthew Vaughn is in talks, but the folks at the Unlearning Channel have a different moviemaker in mind for the job: Brad Bird.

Inspired by campaign fever, they compiled an impressive array of stock images and movie clips to illustrate their argument on why Bird, who has helmed such critically heralded films as The Incredibles, Ratatouille and Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, is the perfect pick for the director's chair of Episode VII. It basically boils down to he's never done anything wrong in the history of ever.

All joking aside, the vid makers lay down a pretty solid argument for his hiring. Bird knows how to balance action, comedy, and heart to make movies that appeal to all ages. He's a master storyteller, and he's even had some exposure to sci-fi with the fantastic Iron Giant (if you don't count First Class). And yes, he does rock a mean scarf…

Well, I'm convinced. Now where do I vote for this? #GiveItToBradBird!

Kristy Puchko

Staff writer at CinemaBlend.