Kane Hodder Talks About Playing Victor Crowley In This Hatchet Blu-Ray Commentary Clip

Old-school slash-and-gore fans can add some more carnage to their DVD shelves September 7th, because Anchor Bay Entertainment is bringing Hatchet to Blu-ray with an unrated director's cut. The 2006 slasher flick embraced the legacy of '80s horror films in both concept, style, and casting, spicing up its tale of hapless Louisiana tourists falling prey to a bayou psychopath with appearances from genre legends such as Robert “Freddy Krueger” Englund and Tony “Candyman” Todd. And, of course, Kane "Jason Voorhees" as the axe-wielding psycho in question.

The Blu-ray version of Hatchet will include a new 1080p transfer of the film's director's cut, along with Dolby TrueHD 5.1 high-resolution audio. On the extras front, the BD will come with all the bonus features from the DVD release, as well as a new commentary track featuring co-producer/writer/director Adam Green and Hodder. We've got a clip from the commentary below, so scroll on down and listen to Hodder talk about why he took on the role of Crowley and compliment Green on his knack for conjuring up clever homicides.