EA Talks Sequels

EA's been churning out a lot of new intellectual properties lately and it seems they're pleased with the results. They've revealed that sequels are being planned for three of their 2008 action games: Army of Two, Dead Space, and Bad Company.

The news comes via Variety, who had a chance to interview EA Games prez Frank Gibeau and EA Redwood Shores GM Glenn Schofield this week. As noted by Variety, the fact that sequels have been green lit for all three isn't all that surprising. Even though Army of Two didn't get as high of review scores as the other two, it still had respectable sales.

All of these projects are obviously in very early stages so there's no sorts of dates or details. Still, you can sleep easy knowing that at some point in 2009 or 2010 you'll be able to steal gold from a war-torn nation, get trapped on some alien-infested ship, and complete mercenary contracts in a hockey mask.

Pete Haas

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.