Charlie Wilson's War Reshot

With only about two months until its opening day, the people behind Charlie Wilson’s War will brook no false or idle speculation about their movie. Things are going swimmingly with the Tom Hank’s drama about the Soviet’s war in Afghanistan and how it (like everything wrong in the world) is really the fault of us bastards in America.

IESB reported a rumor that the movie was undergoing expensive reshoots at what, in movie terms, is really the 11th hour. Reshoots are often code for “this movie is a pile of horse shit that nobody likes,” so that can’t be good. Quicker than you can say spin control an unnamed executive from Universal said that the rumor had it wrong.

The executive noted that the rumor putting the reshoots at $30 million dollars was “100 percent false.” I guess you can’t much more false than that. He added, “the only ‘reshoots’ ever done on the film resulted from a weather complication in Morocco, were done many weeks ago, weren’t disproportionately expensive, and were covered largely by insurance.” And if you can’t believe a studio executive, who can you believe?