Harold And Kumar Go To Guantanamo?

It looks like Harold & Kumar may not be following up their journey to White Castle with a trip to Amsterdam. The sequel to the 2004 John Cho/Kal Penn stoner comedy was originally rumored to be titled Harold & Kumar Go To Amsterdam, but AICN says it’s actually called Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay.

Is anyone else completely baffled by this? I get the gag, they’re not white so they must be terrorists, very funny. But should Harold & Kumar be doing heavy political satire? Guantanamo? Really? I thought these movies were about getting stoned and getting the muchies. Instead, it looks like we’ll get to see Kumar with electrodes stuck to his balls.

Hopefully, they don’t spend the entire movie there. Harold and Kumar belong in Amsterdam dammit. That’s the movie we want to see. Meryl Streep has the Guantanamo thing covered, we don’t need political criticism from John Cho, Kal Penn, and coke-sniffing Doogie Hauser. New Line’s execs must have gotten their hands on some of Kumar’s chronic.

Josh Tyler