Master Chief Casting Rumor

Halo movie news has been slow lately, a point we've reported on in depth for your reading pleasure. As long as its bubbling back to the surface a bit, why not get things going with a juicy (if not incredible) rumor.

Hummings around the internet from sites like Dark Horizons and Cinescape claim that Denzel Washington may be up for the role. An AP report from June apparently indicated Washington met up with Halo's executive producer Peter Jackson to discuss an unspecified movie. Granted, Jackson doesn't have much on his plate, but the two could have been talking about the other film Jackson is working on, The Lovely Bones.

Of course, this is just speculation and for all we know Denzel was courting Jackson for the chance to play Smaug the Dragon in the as yet unannounced film version of The Hobbit. But, it will give you Halo fans something to argue about over the XBox this weekend.