Shrek 4 Planned

DreamWorks Animation announced their third quarter financial results today, and the for them the outlook is rosy. Madagascar made them a ridiculous amount of money on DVD. But their biggest cash cow is still everyone's favorite ogre, Shrek.

Though Shrek 3 is still somewhere in mid-production, DreamWorks Animation announced that they're already planning a Shrek 4. Not that it'll happen any time soon. Right now they have it pegged for a release in 2010. They've got to get that third one out first.

Also on their upcoming slate is another Shrek related project, a spin-off movie starring the Antonio Banderas voiced, swashbuckling cat character Puss-n-Boots from the second film. This isn't the first we've heard of this spin-off, but what's new is that DreamWorks is upgrading it's status from direct-to-dvd release to theatrical. It may end up in theaters, but only after Shrek 4.

Before either of those films, DreamWorks has two unrelated movies planned for release in 2009: Monsters vs. Aliens and Training Your Dragon. No details on either of them, but the titles seem pretty self-explanatory.

Josh Tyler