Tribeca Interview: Climate of Change Director Brian Hill

Back in 2006, Davis Guggenheim and former Vice President Al Gore created the documentary An Inconvenient Truth. Largely consisting of Gore standing on a stage giving a lecture, the film opened many eyes to the dangers of global warming and the impact that we are having on our environment. The message was a simple one: if we don’t take action now, our Earth will die.

Now, in that spirit, documentarian Brian Hill has created Climate of Change, a film that covers four continents examining individuals who are both taking personal action as well as educating people about how they live a greener lifestyle. From the various locations, to finding the interview subjects, the scope of the film is nothing short of astonishing, and, fortunately for me, Hill was willing to sit down and tell me about his experience working on it.

From the documentary’s inception to the recruiting of Tilda Swinton as the narrator, watch my interview with Brian Hill below.

Follow along with all of our special, Tribeca 2010 coverage right here.

Eric Eisenberg
Assistant Managing Editor

Eric Eisenberg is the Assistant Managing Editor at CinemaBlend. After graduating Boston University and earning a bachelor’s degree in journalism, he took a part-time job as a staff writer for CinemaBlend, and after six months was offered the opportunity to move to Los Angeles and take on a newly created West Coast Editor position. Over a decade later, he's continuing to advance his interests and expertise. In addition to conducting filmmaker interviews and contributing to the news and feature content of the site, Eric also oversees the Movie Reviews section, writes the the weekend box office report (published Sundays), and is the site's resident Stephen King expert. He has two King-related columns.