Where The Wild Things Are Photo!

Spike Jonze is in the midst of tackling a movie version of the classic children’s book “Where the Wild Things Are”, and I couldn’t be more excited. For most people in my age group, “Where the Wild Things Are” has a special place in their heart. Translating it into a movie without pissing a lot of people off will be a tall order for Jonze, but from the first picture just released from the film it looks like he’s on the right track.

The image to your right comes from Slashfilm, and if you click here you can see a somewhat high-resolution version of it. They found it in Wizard, who found it at the New York City Licensing Show.

Alright, enough with the pedigree. It’s not exactly a clear picture but it’s enough to make me think that visually at least, Spike Jonze is headed in the right direction. It’s a live action movie, but since so many of the characters are puppet-powered monsters in addition to the child actor you see there people like Catherine Keener, Forest Whitaker, Michelle Williams, Paul Dano, and Catherine O’Hara will provide voices If you’re a doubter, just compare that image with the one from the book, which I’ve pasted below:

Josh Tyler