Elon Musk's Estranged Father Had A Baby With His Stepdaughter

Elon Musk TED Talk 2017

Some people have odd relationships with their parents. But few people have a relationship quite as bizarre as the one shared between Errol Musk, the father of billionaire Elon Musk, and his stepdaughter, Jane Bezuidenhout. Case in point: 72-year-old Errol Musk recently announced he fathered a child with Jana Bezuidenhout. Yep. You read that right. Elon Musk's estranged father shares a baby with his 30-year-old stepdaughter.

This weekend, Errol Musk spilled the beans about this weird loop in the Musk family tree. Not only do Errol Musk and Jana Bezuidenhout have a kid together, but the baby boy, Elliot Rush, is now 10-months-old. Speaking with the father, Errol Musk called his newest kid with stepdaughter an "exquisite child" in an interview with The Sunday Times . To provide a little bit of context, Errol Musk was married to Heidi Bezuidenhout when Jana Bezuidenhout was, at the time, four-years-old. Heidi and Errol were married for 18 years with two children together, but Errol Musk doesn't consider Jana to be his stepdaughter, claiming that she spent most of her time growing up away from the family, notably Errol Musk. Errol Musk went on to call Jana Bezuidenhout a "delightful girl" as well as "a wonderful mother." Errol Musk also claims that he can "barely remember" Jana's mother, even though the couple was married to one another for nearly two decades.

You might be asking yourself: how did this happen? Well, that's a very good question. Here's how Errol Musk recounts the situation. Errol notes that he reconnected with Jana Bezuidenhout last year when she was dealing with a break-up. One thing lead to another, and soon Jana was pregnant with Errol's kid. Errol Musk assumed it was Jana's ex-boyfriend's child, but a paternity test revealed Errol Musk was, yes, his stepdaughter's baby daddy. He says about what happened:

We were lonely, lost people. One thing led to another -- you can call it God's plan or nature's plan.

As the story continued, Errol Musk had a difficult time explaining it to the rest of the family -- as one could likely assume. As it was reported in The Daily Mail, Errol Musk told his daughter, Ali, about the baby news, assuming she'd be "supportive and understanding." But that's not exactly what happened. Instead, he says the whole family went "berserk" on Errol, believing he crossed a line and messed up everything for the family. Heidi Bezuidenhout, in particular, was stuck between a rock and a hard place. She reportedly tried staying supportive of her daughter while keeping the dad's identity a secret. Here is what Errol said happened after he spoke with Ali:

She said I was insane, mentally ill. She told the others and they went berserk. They think I'm getting senile and should go into an old age home, not have a life full of fun and a tiny baby.

This baby news also continues to split Errol Musk with his super successful son, Elon Musk. But Elon didn't have too many nice things to say about his dad to begin with, anyway. Elon's on record saying that he considers his father to be just plain "evil." So, it sounds like they're not mending things soon. It's hard to know what's going to happen from here, but if something even crazier happens, we'll keep you posted on all the details.

Will Ashton

Will is an entertainment writer based in Pittsburgh, PA. His writing can also be found in The Playlist, Cut Print Film, We Got This Covered, The Young Folks, Slate and other outlets. He also co-hosts the weekly film/TV podcast Cinemaholics with Jon Negroni and he likes to think he's a professional Garfield enthusiast.