J.K. Rowling Reveals Who Isn't The Cursed Child, But We Think We Know Who Is

Back when the Harry Potter books were first being published, the title reveal left fans to obsess over what the plot would be about. What was the "Order of the Phoenix" and who is the "Half-Blood Prince"? We obsessed, speculated and we waited. It's happening again with Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. J.K. Rowling is being very careful with what she shares about the anticipated stage play, but she did confirm that Tom "Lord Voldemort" Riddle is not the titular Cursed Child. And after another Tweet she shared, we have a guess as to who it might be...

Conversing with fans on Twitter, J.K. Rowling responded to a Tweet from a fan who said they were certain the cursed child is Tom [Riddle]....

So go ahead and cross Tom Riddle off of your list of possible Cursed Child candidates.

J.K. Rowling has previously stated that Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is not a prequel. Between that and the mentioned "Harry Potter and the" portion of the title, it might've been safe to rule out Tom Riddle as an option for the Cursed Child. Then again, with time-turners and other magical elements at Rowling and playwright Jack Thorne's disposal, maybe it's never really safe to assume anything until J.K. Rowling firmly rules it out, as she has here.

So, we still don't know who the cursed child is for sure, and J.K. Rowling seems determined to keep fans in the dark... or in a very dimly lit room, at the very least. When asked by another fan if it's a character we've "met" before or a new one, she went tight-lipped...

Is she just being coy with that Chris Cornell reference? Or should we start obsessing over the song "You Know My Name"? Because if we were, we'd notice immediately that the tune was featured on the soundtrack for Casino Royale. As in, James Bond. James... Potter? Harry's son, perhaps? That's our guess for now, assuming Rowling's comment is even meant to be taken as a clue. Factoring in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child not being a prequel, James Sirius Potter would be a fitting candidate, being a child at all, and obviously, he's already connected to Harry Potter. Could this stage play be centered around Harry and Ginny's eldest son? I'm prepared to be wrong about that, but for now, we'll file this under "theory" and "wishlist," and wait for more information.


Let the speculation and obsession resume. Meanwhile, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child premieres in London's West End Summer 2016. Read a few more things we know about Harry Potter and the Cursed Child here.

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Kelly West
Assistant Managing Editor

Kelly joined CinemaBlend as a freelance TV news writer in 2006 and went on to serve as the site’s TV Editor before moving over to other roles on the site. At present, she’s an Assistant Managing Editor who spends much of her time brainstorming and editing feature content on the site. She an expert in all things Harry Potter, books from a variety of genres (sci-fi, mystery, horror, YA, drama, romance -- anything with a great story and interesting characters.), watching Big Brother, frequently rewatching The Office, listening to Taylor Swift, and playing The Sims.