How Tom Bergeron Felt About The America's Funniest Home Videos Jokes He Told


If you're an American, then chances are that you've probably watched (and loved) America's Funniest Home Videos at some point in your life. However, it's not just the videos the sold the charm of the series; it was also the color commentary provided by the show's hosts. One of the most beloved hosts in the series' history was Tom Bergeron, whose voiceover work fell squarely into the wholly loveable "dad joke" category of humor, but now it seems that we finally know how the beloved host really felt about all of those puns and dorky jokes that we all grew up with.

AFV, because it was largely aimed at kids, often had punnier jokes than I would tell but they worked for our audience. Plus they paid me really well.

Tom Bergeron came out and finally told everybody what he thought of all those jokes during a recent Reddit AMA session, and although Bergeron absolutely sold the humor of his puns with gusto during his tenure as the host of AFV, the jokes weren't necessarily his cup of tea. Anyone who has ever seen the show will remember that much of the AFV humor was aimed at children and squeaky clean adults, which means that the jokes mostly needed to be sanitized and suitable for everyone. Bergeron doesn't seem to mind too much though. Like he said, they paid him very well.

However, the fact that the humor on most episodes of AFV was aimed at children does not mean it always failed to get a laugh out of him. Elsewhere in the AMA session, Tom Bergeron would go on to admit that one particular segment involving some cat censorship totally worked for him:

Yes. There was a montage of cat videos where the producers put black bars over the cats' privates. I lost it.

In all fairness, who doesn't love a montage of cats? This leads me to believe that Tom Bergeron has a much dirtier sense of humor than his hosting persona would indicate. (Former host Bob Saget was well-known for being a filthy stand-up comedian, and he also had Full House going on at the same time.) Check out the video below to take a closer look into the world of America's Funniest Home Videos and see how Bergeron conducted his voiceovers -- complete with all of the cheesy puns you could ever hope for:

Although Tom Bergeron may no longer be the host of the long-running America's Funniest Home Videos, we love the fact that he still more or less looks back fondly on the experience of hosting the iconic series -- and of course that he was well-compensated for his wonderfully lame jokes. In an era before YouTube exponentially increased the ubiquity of cat videos and people getting blasted in the crotch, it was AFV and Bergeron who gave us all of the dumb humor we could ever want, and that's not a bad thing.

Conner Schwerdtfeger

Originally from Connecticut, Conner grew up in San Diego and graduated from Chapman University in 2014. He now lives in Los Angeles working in and around the entertainment industry and can mostly be found binging horror movies and chugging coffee.