Netflix Has A Cool Feature Allowing Users To Request Shows

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(Image credit: Image courtesy of Netflix)

Netflix is the home of a wide variety of TV shows and movies, ranging from classic sitcoms to superhero series to legendary dramas. There's enough content available on the streaming service to keep any subscriber busy for a very long time. That said, Netflix doesn't feature every single show that every single subscriber undoubtedly wants to see, but there's a way for subscribers to reach out with suggestions about future content. Yes, Netflix has a cool feature that allows users to request shows.

You can find the feature to ask for certain TV shows in the Netflix Help Center. A page is marked "Request TV shows or movies" and provides three slots for title suggestions. The sky's the limit on what titles you can suggest to be featured on Netflix, although the odds of the more obscure shows or shows with high-profile streaming deals on other services making it to Netflix aren't the greatest.

Content can't make its way to Netflix if the rights are exclusive to another company, the streaming rights are not available to purchase from the content provider, and other variables like popularity, cost, availability, and localized factors. The Request TV shows page clearly states that Netflix keeps tracks of all requests from subscribers, so there's no need to request a certain project more than the first time. The "Request TV shows or movies" page can be accessed here or by going to the help center in your Netflix account.

The option to request shows and movies isn't the most well-known service Netflix offers to users, but the streaming service isn't exactly hiding it. In fact, the official Twitter account for Netflix Philippines recommended it to folks on social media, posting this:

Now, the Netflix Philippines account doesn't exactly have the most followers on Twitter, so only a limited amount of users may have discovered the option to request shows if not for the commentary of Chelsea Peretti. The social media user who wanted Peretti's comedy special on the Philippines branch of Netflix happened to tag Chelsea Peretti in the request, which brought the option to Peretti's attention, and she posted this:

Given that Chelsea Peretti has more than 900,000 more Twitter followers than Netflix Philippines, her response brought the option to request shows to the attention of a lot of people who almost certainly don't follow the Philippines' Netflix account on social media. The Philippines' account posted a response of its own:

For all your current and upcoming options from the streaming service, be sure to swing by our 2018 Netflix premiere guide. If you're not 100% satisfied with what Netflix currently has to offer, feel free to request your TV show or movie. Should you find yourself in the mood for some non-streaming video, check out our summer TV premiere guide.

Laura Hurley
Senior Content Producer

Laura turned a lifelong love of television into a valid reason to write and think about TV on a daily basis. She's not a doctor, lawyer, or detective, but watches a lot of them in primetime. CinemaBlend's resident expert and interviewer for One Chicago, the galaxy far, far away, and a variety of other primetime television. Will not time travel and can cite multiple TV shows to explain why. She does, however, want to believe that she can sneak references to The X-Files into daily conversation (and author bios).