Forget The TV Interview, Roseanne Barr Has New Plans For Tell-All Story

Roseanne Barr
(Image credit: ABC)

Roseanne Barr had recently teased on Twitter that she would be doing a tell-all television interview in the very near future. In the tweet posted on July 8, she hinted that the timetable was set for "this week." Well, it seems that is now off the table, as Barr has announced that she is planning to share everything, on her terms, and on a somewhat surprising platform. See Barr explain her latest tell-all plans in the tweet below:

With that brief message, Roseanne Barr has undoubtedly sent speculation soaring as to her next move, albeit the details she provided are pretty straightforward. That was not the case with the initially announced TV interview. What she will actually say is another story. While a lot has changed regarding the interview set-up, one thing is crucial to note. In Roseanne Barr's original tweet announcing the TV interview, she did not mention when it would air, only when she would do it.

With Roseanne Barr now stating that she plans to publish the tell-all video within "the next week," it would seem those curious about what she has to say will not have to wait too much longer than originally planned. Barr had previously spoken out in an interview with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, wherein she addressed her Twitter scandal. In the same interview, Barr said that she was already fielding offers to return to television. At the time, she indicated she was considering one in particular. Perhaps her YouTube video will provide further details on that.

What exactly she has left to say after that pretty in-depth interview with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach remains to be seen and heard. Among the things she shared was that she did not get paid off to leave the Roseanne reboot in the aftermath of the controversial tweet she posted, which led to the series' cancellation. In the tweet teasing her upcoming YouTube video, she said she was going to give an entire explanation regarding what happened and why.

With ABC moving forward on the Roseanne Barr-less spinoff entitled The Conners, Barr may have something to say regarding the upcoming series. Based on what she states in her tweet, it would seem the video she plans to post on YouTube has to do more with the past and will not necessarily be focused on the present or the future. Only time will tell what she reveals. Barr did not offer a specific date for the video's bow on YouTube.

The cast and crew of Roseanne are moving forward though. The spinoff of the reboot entitled The Conners is expected to premiere on ABC this fall. For television to watch while you await the new slate of fall programming, check out CinemaBlend's guide to TV's summer premieres.

Britt Lawrence

Like a contented Hallmark movie character, Britt happily lives in the same city she grew up in. Along with movies and television, she is passionate about competitive figure skating. She has been writing about entertainment for 5 years, and as you may suspect, still finds it as entertaining to do as when she began.