Orange Is The New Black Season 7 Video Confirms It's The Final Season

Orange Is the New Black was one of Netflix's very first original dramas, and fans have already gotten six full seasons of the ladies at Litchfield (and then not Litchfield as we knew it). A seventh is on the way, but fans shouldn't see it as one of many still to come. A new Orange Is the New Black video confirms that Season 7 will be the last, and the cast shares some touching messages. Take a look!

Well, if you're a longtime fan of the show who hoped that it would go on indefinitely, you may be bummed out by the video message from the Orange Is the New Black cast (via Twitter) confirming the upcoming end of the series. The good news is that the cast clearly loves what they've done on the show, and none of their messages hinted at any bitterness. Perhaps saying goodbye will be easier for fans knowing that the actresses share their fondness for all things Orange.

The actresses are clearly grateful to the fans for tuning in for the better part of the decade, and they promise that Season 7 will be exactly what fans want before the end. If painful news about the future of a show is going to drop, a touching video isn't too shabby of a way to do it! That said, not all fans will necessarily be devastated that the end is nigh for Orange Is the New Black.

After all the wild, shocking, and heartbreaking stories the show has covered to this point, it has begun to feel like the time is come to wrap the show up and end it. Orange Is the New Black might have run out of steam if it kept chugging along beyond the upcoming seventh season, and nobody wants to see their favorite shows slowly die out rather than end at a good time!

There's also the point that news of the show's end comes after one more season was already ordered. The news is not that the Season 6 finale will have to double as the series finale. Not all shows are lucky enough to get an order for one more season for one last hurrah, and a Netflix show isn't exactly going to be rescued by Netflix like Lucifer!

The producers have the knowledge that Orange Is the New Black won't be back beyond Season 7, so they can use the final season to wrap the characters' arcs up in a way that will hopefully satisfy fans. We'll have to just cross our fingers that nobody behind the scenes decides that a cliffhanger ending is the way to go.

Orange Is the New Black is the second high-profile original to get the axe from the streaming giant over the past week, and unlike Iron Fist, the end will be the end for this series. Netflix does have a whole bunch of originals in the works to join the massive number of originals already available. Fans will be able to find plenty of options even after having to say goodbye to the OITNB crew.

The seventh and final season of Orange Is the New Black will release on Netflix at some point in 2019. For now, you can watch the first six seasons to your heart's delight.

Laura Hurley
Senior Content Producer

Laura turned a lifelong love of television into a valid reason to write and think about TV on a daily basis. She's not a doctor, lawyer, or detective, but watches a lot of them in primetime. CinemaBlend's resident expert and interviewer for One Chicago, the galaxy far, far away, and a variety of other primetime television. Will not time travel and can cite multiple TV shows to explain why. She does, however, want to believe that she can sneak references to The X-Files into daily conversation (and author bios).