Why Bristol Palin Just Quit MTV's Teen Mom OG

Bristol Palin Teen Mom OG

Teen Mom OG hasn't officially confirmed a new season on MTV, but if it does return, it won't be continuing with its latest high-profile mom Bristol Palin. The DWTS vet, who had only joined Teen Mom OG last season, has decided she won't be returning for any more episodes. Palin announced her decision via social media in a post that explained why audiences won't see her on the MTV reality program again.

Teen Mom OG wasn’t a fit for me, it took away my peace.. and honestly - my peace has a price tag that no one but God can afford. $ doesn’t impress me, I don’t entertain bs, and walking away from this show allows God to rebuild me (and my little fam) in the right direction. I have love for all the girls on the show, and wish them the best of luck in all their future endeavors!!

That sounds pretty final for the mother of three, doesn't it? It's unlikely that MTV would be able to convince Bristol Palin to come back to Teen Mom OG.

While Palin is out, though, it's possible her ex-husband Dakota Meyer could stick around for the cameras to follow his story without Palin being featured on camera. It wouldn't be the first time Teen Mom OG has excluded one parent from filming, although focusing on Meyer's life would go against the premise of this being a show about moms, much less the "O.G." modifier.

While sticking with Dakota Meyer is a possibility for the series, other news surfaced from Bristol Palin's ex-boyfriend Levi Johnston, as reported by the Inquistr. Johnston and his wife were reportedly informed the footage they shot would not be airing, which means MTV may be looking to make a clean break from all things related to Palin. Should that be the case, then one would think Dakota’s story will be closed out as well.

The news of Bristol Palin's exit from Teen Mom OG isn't too shocking, as she's been a pretty vocal critic of the reality show in recent months. Palin took to her Instagram in December after one particular episode aired, tagging the show in a post that alleged the show's episodes only focused on the negative parts of her life.

No matter how bad @teenmom tries to portray my “life” ..... my babies, my family, my close friends - they know the TRUTH. I’m a pretty great mom, work my ass off, show up, and hustle everyday to give my kids a pretty great life. @mtv doesn’t want to talk about faith, show work ethic, or juggling three kids alone, they don’t want to show the humble process of starting over after a divorce, building a career, or any real life issues. All they want with my little segment each week is some fake fill-in Farrah Abraham/Jerry Springer BS, and it’s simply not true. Don’t get me wrong - I’ve said some mean things and learned a lot the last several months - but the life I’ve built for my kids is NOT sitting around talking about baby daddy drama. Every week is a continued disappointment with their inaccuracies and false narratives. I hate getting all emo on you guys but I’ve kept quiet for too long about it. Don’t believe everything you see on TV.

In addition to that, Bristol Palin also seemingly dropped hints about leaving the show in late March via an Instagram Q&A session. When a follower asked if she'd be sticking with Teen Mom OG after the way the show portrayed her life, Cafemom reported Palin recorded a "boomerang" video of her shaking her head no. This recent message merely solidifies the news, and probably isn't coming out of left field to those who follow the show's stars.

Fans have been reaching out to Bristol Palin in support of her decision, including her biggest fan of all. Her mother, former vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin, tweeted out support for her daughter not long after news began to spread on the exit.

When Bristol Palin first joined Teen Mom O.G., she said her mission was to inspire others with her story and use her life and difficult situation to show anyone who's going through the same thing that they are not alone. Her end goal was to prove that life doesn't end after divorce, and apparently she was unhappy with the way MTV depicted her life in that regard. Now that she's out, Palin may find more of the peace she said the show robbed from her.

As far as Teen Mom O.G. itself goes, Bristol Palin's exit creates a problem. The producers brought her on to replace the troubled reality star Farrah Abrams. Now, with a new slot on the slow up for grabs, it will be interesting to see if MTV attempts to find another famous young mother to highlight, or if the execs will stick with the current lineup and focus on the lives of the remaining cast going forward.

While things aren't quite as chaotic for Teen Mom OG cast as they've been in the early years, there's still plenty of screen time that could be dedicated to other issues now that Bristol Palin is gone. Catelynn and Tyler just welcomed a new child into their family, and it will be interesting to see how the couple has grown given their marital issues in the past year.

If there is any positive spin to put on Bristol Palin's news, it's that it seems as though MTV is planning to bring back Teen Mom OG for another season. It's unlikely the show would end just because Palin is backing out, and one would imagine her exit wouldn't need publicity if MTV was planning to dump the program outright. With that said, will her exit mean the new season could get delayed?

Audiences will have to wait and see, possibly by hunkering down to enjoy Teen Mom 2 in the meantime. The spinoff airs on MTV on Mondays at 9:00 p.m. ET, and it's just one of the many shows in season as spring kicks off. For a full breakdown of what's on the way, be sure to visit and bookmark our midseason premiere guide.

Mick Joest
Content Producer

Mick Joest is a Content Producer for CinemaBlend with his hand in an eclectic mix of television goodness. Star Trek is his main jam, but he also regularly reports on happenings in the world of Star Trek, WWE, Doctor Who, 90 Day Fiancé, Quantum Leap, and Big Brother. He graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Radio and Television. He's great at hosting panels and appearing on podcasts if given the chance as well.